Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Money value -- from the eye of a kid

There is no dispute in saying that the value of money is not valued by the current teen generation. This being the situation, imagine how will a 10 year old girl understand the value of money. I had a great experience in realizing that. We were returning from a small grocery shopping with my kids and nephew. On the way there was a high-end BMW car parked. Being teen age and fascinated by BMW boys, my son and nephew started discussing about the car. My daughter who also liked the car started a conversation with me.

See how the value of money is understood by kids.

My daughter who is 10 years:
“why are we not buying BMW?”.

Me: We don’t have that much money. Besides that we have a good car.

Daughter: How much would it cost?

Me: About Rs. 1 Crore (10 Million)

Daughter: What dad! Don’t you have even Rs. 1 Crore (10 Million)?

Me: No

Daughter: You say you have worked in USA and all but don’t you have Rs. 1 Crore?

(I have to justify or give a diplomatic answer )
Me: We bought a house right? So I have put good amount of money in that.

Daughter: Tell me how much money you have?

Me: I have Rs. 500 in my pocket

Daughter: No, I am asking you how much you have in the bank

Me: Why do you want to know that?

Daughter: Tell me that you have at least Rs. 1 Lakh (100,000) in the bank….

Me: Yes, I have that much and I have reserved for your educational expenses so that you can study whatever you want.

……… she paused momentarily………

Daughter: Good!

See how is taking the amount of Rs. 1 Crore so easily and climbing down to Rs. 1 Lakh. Amazing!

We need to put an effort to ensure that the kids understand the value of money.

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